星期日, 8月 05, 2007

Win in Apoll-NW

We finally did it, we won Apoll NW, the HNM limbus XD.
We have enough power to finish all basic limbus now. Looking forward in Omega/Ultima fight.

Total 5 floors in Apoll NW.
Floor boss is HNM type in normal area.
3/F Boss: Great Turtle
4/F Boss: Great Fly Dragon
5/F Boss: Behemoth type (even 3 normal mobs is Behemoth too)

with small group of 7-9 people and tight time limit. We can't touch Turtle & Dragon boss.
They are too strong and need too much time.

We save our time to against Final Floor Boss.
Basic plan is Kiting.
Run away from boss AOE range when you have hate.
You have to keep DOT (demage over time) magic. (BIO, Poison) on it all the time.



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