星期日, 8月 05, 2007

Samuari Armor

Let me introduce my Samuari Armors !! I already sold armor of 6X. and forgot to take a pic before that.

Left: lv50 "Dead Samuari" 死武者腹当 & 佩楯 armor , body & pants TP+15
With this armor and Soboro. You can solo WS at 50
Right: yup, AF. they only store in bank XD. I use another set for exp pt.
SAM AF+1 hand have STR+7 & DEX+7. Going to get it

left: My Evasion set. Eva+56
Optical hat eva+10
Hand eva+15
Boots eva+5
Body eva+12
Neck eva+7
back eva+7
belt eva +10
When I hit too hard, may be it can save my life XDD.
mobs always can hit me at exp pt. they never miss

Right: SAM JSE 八幡, have good STR & TP store effect.
with this set and other STR add-on.
My STR+45 boost (with GK神息 , str+50)
It make 6 hits for TP100
it is nice STR boost for Snow /Moon/ Flower WS



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