星期日, 8月 05, 2007

BJ Great Katana Collection

left: Tachi of Trials, Romove its latent effect of SAM WS
Right: Soboro Sukehiro ソボロ助広 Occasionally attacks 2 to 3 times
it is the unique weapon that can grant you the real power of SAM/RNG. TP100 > sidewinder.
it make SAM/RNG can over demage than other DD.
Good side:More attack mean more chance to collect TP. More TP mean more WS.
Bad side: you also give many TP to monster

Left: Hagun 破軍 TP Bouns, it mean grant you the effect of TP200 with you are 100 only
beside Relic 天の村雲 & Futsuno Mitama 布都御魂 , it is final GK of SAM in most cases.
Not give too many TP to monster and have a TP boost effect

Right:Shinsoku 神息 Nice STR+5 & Nice gold frame looking .only about 1/9 price of Hagun
If you no Hagun, this is your choice



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