星期日, 8月 05, 2007

Win in Apoll-NW

We finally did it, we won Apoll NW, the HNM limbus XD.
We have enough power to finish all basic limbus now. Looking forward in Omega/Ultima fight.

Total 5 floors in Apoll NW.
Floor boss is HNM type in normal area.
3/F Boss: Great Turtle
4/F Boss: Great Fly Dragon
5/F Boss: Behemoth type (even 3 normal mobs is Behemoth too)

with small group of 7-9 people and tight time limit. We can't touch Turtle & Dragon boss.
They are too strong and need too much time.

We save our time to against Final Floor Boss.
Basic plan is Kiting.
Run away from boss AOE range when you have hate.
You have to keep DOT (demage over time) magic. (BIO, Poison) on it all the time.

Samuari Armor

Let me introduce my Samuari Armors !! I already sold armor of 6X. and forgot to take a pic before that.

Left: lv50 "Dead Samuari" 死武者腹当 & 佩楯 armor , body & pants TP+15
With this armor and Soboro. You can solo WS at 50
Right: yup, AF. they only store in bank XD. I use another set for exp pt.
SAM AF+1 hand have STR+7 & DEX+7. Going to get it

left: My Evasion set. Eva+56
Optical hat eva+10
Hand eva+15
Boots eva+5
Body eva+12
Neck eva+7
back eva+7
belt eva +10
When I hit too hard, may be it can save my life XDD.
mobs always can hit me at exp pt. they never miss

Right: SAM JSE 八幡, have good STR & TP store effect.
with this set and other STR add-on.
My STR+45 boost (with GK神息 , str+50)
It make 6 hits for TP100
it is nice STR boost for Snow /Moon/ Flower WS

BJ Great Katana Collection

left: Tachi of Trials, Romove its latent effect of SAM WS
Right: Soboro Sukehiro ソボロ助広 Occasionally attacks 2 to 3 times
it is the unique weapon that can grant you the real power of SAM/RNG. TP100 > sidewinder.
it make SAM/RNG can over demage than other DD.
Good side:More attack mean more chance to collect TP. More TP mean more WS.
Bad side: you also give many TP to monster

Left: Hagun 破軍 TP Bouns, it mean grant you the effect of TP200 with you are 100 only
beside Relic 天の村雲 & Futsuno Mitama 布都御魂 , it is final GK of SAM in most cases.
Not give too many TP to monster and have a TP boost effect

Right:Shinsoku 神息 Nice STR+5 & Nice gold frame looking .only about 1/9 price of Hagun
If you no Hagun, this is your choice

Give me 5

Funny lotting after assualt. We lotted on Storm Gambieras.
I have 5, yes 5 only......... XDDDDDDDD
Another lot have 94% of chance higher than me.
BTWm winning lot is 18 lol

Full AF+1

I have a full Red mage AF+1 after 1 years Limbus plays.
Defense +133 MP +110
DEX +6 AGI +3
MND +10 INT +10
MP recovered while healing +5
Healing magic skill +10
Enhancing magic skill +15
Enfeebling magic skill +15
Elemental magic skill +10
Shield skill +10
Parrying skill +15
Spell interruption rate down 12%
Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
better MP boost.
I enjoy the time of playing with my friends. We had overcome many challenges together.

Riding on Carbuncle

Let's go! Carbuncle. Let's finish our task as soon as possible.

Power Of Side-Winder

Well, I have that lv50 Great katana. I have to try SAM/RNG.

I try Side-Winder at lv67. ohhhh Demage was over 1000..... I never have this power (as a Red mage) before....