星期六, 3月 17, 2007

Lizzy and me

after I had leveled my ranger, Let go to camp low lv NM with THF/RNG. 1st target is Lizzy.

still have many ppl camp it for RE/EX nice boots. Althogh I have Flee and wide scan. I still lost in claim to someone without these ablilties. (; ;) my luck is suck.

Blackjack The Ranger

lol. well, I am leveling ranger now for sub job. and use the arrow after wood craft (can't sell in AH)

:P look good in this picture (^^)b


After new patch, systm intorduce a battle field for high-end player

18 ppl Salvage.

Enter the area, it will force you to un-equip and affect your status, job ability. You can kill mobs and recover the ability 1 by 1. Have Fun.

Since I don't have gil to make the awarded equipment. I quit this battle field after try it. :P

I Come Back!!!

I Come back!!

PC broken in Nov 06 then spent 1 month to solve the problem (bought a new PC XD)

and Taiwan earthquake broken undersea optical fibre cable on Dec 06, it affected whole asian data communication traffic (resumed to normal level on Feb 07).

Busy in Chinese New Year. No time to play and update this ffix blog. ^^

ok now, I have more time .