星期五, 10月 20, 2006

Halloween 2006

Ghost appear in City.

Tracing her but hide yourself and listern to her stories.

My Rewards - 3 lamps + hat

星期三, 10月 18, 2006

Mini-HNM in Limbus

here is Apollyon NW
what creatures live in here..

Floor 3

Floor 4

Floor 5 (last floor)

(^^) exciting, all is Mini-HNM.
HNM , kill me by 1 hit
well, Mini kill me in 2 hits lol

星期日, 10月 08, 2006

My 1st Kirin

This time I went to experience Kirin Fight.
We waited over 3 hours until previuos JP LS finished their 3 Runs....
Although the common rule is first come first play,
play 3 times in a row.. JP LS should not do this. >,<

Well. We had Kirin pole, 2 Aq. Bodies, and Shining Cloth

New Record (^^)b

New Melee Record for my RDM.... 959

^^ this is not the image of WS Eivsceration.
I found this WS look funny. it recover little MP.

星期六, 10月 07, 2006

ZM Final

Here we are, ZM Final Battle. Let's Go

Left side is Aldo.
Right side is Final boss. **Elder** Brother of Kam'lanaut. Eald'narche , the real Jeuno Duke

At 1st stage. He have many Devices to protect him.

Now we going into 2nd stage. He is starting his attact to us. See a Hugh AOE...

After Aldo, Zeld, Lion and us defected him. He trigger self-destruct of Mother Crystal, try to erase all people.

/Cry /Cry /Cry..... Lion. Please Don't Go, We must have another option...
Lion - the Brave Hero who stop Mother Crystal self-destruct.

Yve'noile, the leader of the Dawn Maidens. Highest Priest of Godness.
She appear to end this story.

TaruTaru Special Ability q(^^)p

How can he did it? I only can sit on ground. (; ;)
I think his place is more clear than ground...

Grow up

Teenage... ... Why she is angry aboout me..

It grow up now. Adult.

We always end at here (; ;)

4 friends, we usually end at here inside Limbus Apoll-SE.

Well, the coins farming result is not bad. But we just want to pass here

Famous Scene - Divine Might (DM)

Many People saw this picture ON web.

From History of Vanadial
here is the birth of 5 races & 5 Arch Angels.

"5 divine tears fell to the new soil. Each of these 5 tears was the birth of one of the races of Vana'diel. Hume, Elvaan, Taru, Mithra, and Galka. All different, all the same. Altana's sorrow left and she once again departed, leaving the world to grow in peace and harmony.

but the story does not end there.

There was another god, awakened and watching, from his place in the shadows. Promathia, God of Twilight, angered by what he had seen saw fit to condemn her work. Bringing out each of the 5 races darkest attributes - the elvaan's arrogance, the hume's apathy, the envy of the mithra, the cowardice of the taru, and the galka's rage, he would curse them to constant internal conflict. Finally, to seal the deal he created races of his own. These dark races, the beastmen, were charged with fighting the people of Vana'diel and occupying their minds. Never again would they think to open the door to the gods."

This time I experiance it by myself.
18 ppl Vs 5 Arch Angels in 1 battle
Finally result.. loss
Why we loss? Who know!