星期四, 8月 31, 2006

Dark Rider

Omg, he can ride a horse. how can we beat him.... he have a horse....

^^ CS of merc. promotion. May be we really need to fight against him after next update.

星期四, 8月 10, 2006


FFIII Movie Script from Offical Site:
Of course, inside game is not look like this ^^

星期四, 8月 03, 2006

Goldfish Bowl

Trouble when I collect the materials.
Bronze Ingot - Guild - small money
Lauan Lumber - Guild - small money
Crawler Calculus - AH - 1000
Sieglinde Putty - AH no stock, self make
Glass Sheet - AH - 60000, self make 35000
Goldfish Set - Event - total need 1 hours for getting this in event
Tiny Goldfish - Event
Black Bubble-Eye - Event

Sieglinde Putty
Flaxseed Oil x2 - AH no one sell it, (; ;) I can't make it by myself
Shell Powder x2 - AH no one sell it , self make
Zinc Oxide - AH no one sell it, self make

Flaxseed oil.... cloth craft 18... no one put it in AH..

Lucky, I wait at Windy Cloth Guild. Finally I have 1 good JP made it for me. ^^