星期六, 8月 27, 2005

New Event, Big Big Buff

Big Buff, will pop outside of main City. It will chase you, give u a blow off with 0 damage. if you have eye contract with it, blow off will give you telepot to HP or telepot to zone.

Fun event, ^^ Big Monster chasing you. and keep telepot people away :P

Toro, Normal Pop, It will give u "Red Sash"

Miura, Rare Pop, It will give u "Dash Sash" = HQ of "red sash"

星期三, 8月 24, 2005

Low lv NM Tours

@Giddus, I fail, someone faster than me. I want my CHR+8 staff .

@Palb. Mine, 怒火拳猛擊, XD, no drop, I want 2-hand sword this time

One lv25 rookie 新兵 linked up over 50 monsters. see long train :P
I can't help him if he was running.


BJ:Will you marry me?
Jesi:Yes, I Do.


星期五, 8月 12, 2005

LOL T1 on Friday

Just said no typhoon in this year, Then it arrive on Friday.


星期三, 8月 10, 2005


自 六 月 踏 入 颱 風 季 節 後 , 香 港 至 今 未 有 受 到 熱 帶 氣 旋 侵 襲 , 今 年 更 未 嘗 懸 掛 颱 風 訊 號 , 已 打 破 自 一 九 四 六 年 有 颱 風 紀 錄 以 來 , 風 季 最 長 時 間 未 有 懸 掛 颱 風 的 紀 錄 。

星期一, 8月 08, 2005




New Adventure Start - Zilart Story

Rank 6, d(^^)b

New adventure - Zilart Mission Start.

Target is go to Sky.

Easy fight when u have 70+ melee at party.

My party setup is RDM63 BRD63 DD60 PLD70+ SMN70+ THF70+

at 1st phase, i cast slow, dia, ... it work fine.

when Shadowlord have 1/2 HP, only me cast elemental magic, about 3 II magic
then we pass the 2nd phase (shadowloard 1st dead).

When it alive (3rd phase), I only cure III about 3 times, then Shadowlord 2nd dead.

When finish i still have 1/2 MP left.

No one yellow when fight.

Mission PM 1-2 Prom-Mea/Prom-Holla

PM 1-2 .... PM2, PM3....
Do you need it?

We can discuss the time.

Join me? Please leave the message in the comment.
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