星期三, 6月 29, 2005

yes, Mr Detective, I find this dead body at lower jeuno. Posted by Hello

see. really have a big tree at there. (Boyahda Tree) Posted by Hello

new hunting ground for me - Boyahda Tree Posted by Hello

ghost!!! XD. waiting coffer pop. painful Posted by Hello

finding coffer key for AF gloves. I am lucky to get the 1st key in lotting. thank you party Posted by Hello

yeah, we done it. forgot the take a shoot when fight NMs  Posted by Hello

Rest after fight ;p Posted by Hello

LB2 parties moving to NM spot Posted by Hello

Be Ready!! Go to level 55 break. thank you easyrider to invite me Posted by Hello

i fail in camping for Monster Signa. 3 people from same LS got it Posted by Hello

Bird killer ;p  Posted by Hello

星期一, 6月 13, 2005

(real)last 2 loan pay-back payment. 5 years passed.  Posted by Hello

星期日, 6月 12, 2005

iam level 38 bard. See my team fighting now.Go Ifrit eat that little goblin Posted by Hello

NM hunting for reward "Monstor Singna": CHR+8.  For my bard to use. As you see many people camp at here too. Finally I give up. I haven't see that NM pop. U_UPosted by Hello

星期六, 6月 11, 2005

Do u believe that! After spent 2 hr at key hunting,Teto join to help. then pass 30 min more still no drop. Teto suggest not use any magic attack. then key drop  Posted by Hello

Finally , I got Full RSE. I don't know why, I just no key hunting luck. Thx Chikage WHM50 and teto BLM62 to help me. Posted by Hello

星期五, 6月 10, 2005

(Real) Masked Rider Movie

Will it show in Hong Kong too!

(FFXI)Thank you, Ka

I use all your 60k gils to buy


and this

after I play Minuet I + II, party will have attack+51

星期一, 6月 06, 2005

Goodbye, my friend who is quit this game Posted by Hello

let me try this JukeBox Posted by Hello

Key Hunting near Norg Posted by Hello

SAM Quest, With my friend helping Posted by Hello

Boy fest at Evening Hunting ^^ Posted by Hello

Boy. Fest Posted by Hello